
Friday 29 June 2012

iPhone: The 5-Year-Old That Changed the World [INFOGRAPHIC]

Love or hate Apple products, there’s no denying the iPhone’s indelible mark on technology, culture and business. Five years ago, the first iteration was unleashed on throngs of early adopters, who ogled its touchscreen interface and poked at little icons. Today, the smartphone concept is no longer the bastion of tech nerds and fan girls. It has become standard issue, thanks in large part to the iPhone’s overwhelming success and iconic design.
The device revolutionized Apple itself. iPhone sales were a tiny slice of Apple pie in 2007. In 2012, it accounts for 58% of the company’s revenue (which, overall, has skyrocketed, thanks to a culture of iTunes and apps propagated by the iPhone).

Sales of the iPhone (and its related services and accessories) even trump the revenue of entire companies like Microsoft and Disney. It’s no wonder that Apple is consistently a front-runner for the most valuable company in the world by market cap.
Our friends at Statista have compiled relevant data about the iPhone’s ascendance. Check out the graphic below and tell us about your first iPhone experience in the comments.

5 Years of iPhone

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